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Illusion is reality: Washington swings with Carnival King

“The right to own property does not extend to the coasts, springs, rivers, water courses, mines and quarries. They are part of the State’s public domain.” – Haitian 1987 Constitution, Section H, Article 36-5.  (Massacre at La Visite by Dady Chery)

Illusion is reality - Washington swings high with Haiti's Carnival King of Haiti


Marie Antoinette said "oh no, they don't have bread, clean water, are evicted from their homes, massacred to make way for Clinton/Obama tourists and Korean gated homes. No worries."

To the beat now, just give them the carnival king to escape y'all, as US masses escape nightly knowledge - young Americans dying on war fronts - with trivia on Tom Cruise/Kate Holmes divorce and hollow spectacle as breaking news... To the beat, carnival beat y'all... illusion is reality. Forget the despotism, the injustices. Be happy. Tuxedo-ing in Washington with Billy and Hillary, Rice and Mills, Obama and Michelle to the beat y'all. Retreat to fantasy so you won't see what's leading the crowd, blinded and mollified, outside the gated walls. CARNIVAL in August. Duvalier and Rochambeau smile.

Click and sing. It's all good. Washington sings too with the Carnival King of Haiti

In video on July 28, 2012:
Carnival Ball des fleurs featuring: The US-Selected President of Haiti

A few days before, on July 23, 2012:
US-supported and trained government forces massacre residents at La Visite, Haiti

 Click and swing. It's all good: Washington swings too with the Carnival King of Haiti

Illusion is reality

Justice a triviality

July 28, 2012 Carnival and Bamboche

On July 28, 1915, the US invades Haiti, practically re-enslaving Haitians. It took 19-years to remove the claws of the vampires off Haiti. They left the bloody Haiti army behind.

97 years later, on July 28, 2012, in the course of the second US occupation, US-installed President Martelly dances, sings, makes merry.

His July carnival celebrates the anniversary day that lives in infamy for all Haitians with Rara bands playing 24/7  juxtaposed against the utter misery of UN cholera, bleak desolation of Clorox hunger, of over 400,000 earthquake victims still living in tents and tarps, homeless, and the horrors of mining companies fracturing the mountains on fault lines for Haiti's 20billion in gold, silver and copper.

Across the country, as in the first occupation poor Haitians are losing fertile agricultural lands and their oceanfront homes to Obama's foreign interests for tourism in the time of cholera.

The first Carnaval des Fleurs in Haiti was held in 1916, just two years after the US began their first military occupation (1915 to 1934). Carnival in the time of foreign invasion. The Carnival and public spectacles were the opiates consumed for dulling the distress, grief and pain of foreign invasion and destruction. It was intended to distract and shift focus away from the US imperial takeover, the slaughter of dissenters and horrors that were happening in the country.

As it was in the first occupation, it is in the second from 2004 to the present. Take their lands, their mountains, their oceans, their islands, their clean water, their gold, their independence, their homes, their freedoms, their sovereignty, their very bodies for rape and imprisonment. But give 'em carnival. Lots of carnival.

Ezili Dantò of HLLN
July 28, 2012

Forwarded by Ezili's Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network

"La Visite Park is a lush expanse of green that straddles the hills of Marigot and Kenskoff and overlooks Marigot, a picturesque fishing town near Haiti’s larger southeastern city of Jacmel...The fishing is artisanal, and for some time the fishermen have been asking the government to assist them with credit, fishing equipment and modest facilities such as a refrigerated room. There has been no response. The government has other plans for the region...

On Monday July 23, around noon, a group of 36 commandos from the Departmental Unit for Maintenance of Order (UDMO), together with Jacmel Representative Lafontant Pierre Michel, Police Chief Ovilmar Sagesse, Government Commissioner Antoine Jean Feraud, and local officials of the Marigot City Hall (recall that all municipal officials have been replaced by presidential appointees) arrived in La Visite Park to evict 142 families. The families had lived there since 1942 in an area called Galèt Sèk, which belongs to a larger neighborhood called Seguin à Chevale.

When the commandos tried to remove the residents by force, they fought back with stones in a battle that lasted 4 hours. Dozens were injured. Initial reports noted that 4 children were shot dead along with 8 adults. Among the dead are:

    Desire Enoz – 32 years old
    Nicolas David – 28 years old
    Robinson Volcin – 22 years old
    Desire Aleis – 18 years old

The children’s bodies have disappeared."(For complete report and photos of the slaughtered Haitians, go to Massacre at La Visite by Dady Chery, July 27, 2012, see also Sud'est – Environnement : Opération sanglante par la police au Parc La visite )


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