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The Western sex push and ethnic cleansing in Haiti



 Ezili Dantò's Note:

The Western sex push and ethnic cleansing in Haiti


Haiti is occupied, raped and tormented by the wealthiest country in the world. It's terrorized cruelly at the hand of the greatest superpower on planet earth, the white-savior industry and its charitable-industrial complex.

US charity worker and pedophile, Douglas Perlitz is in jail for nearly 20-years plus 10-year probation for molesting homeless boys in Haiti for 10 years. He was convicted and sentenced on federal charges for travel with intent to engage in illicit sexual conduct (18 U.S.C. Sec. 2423(b) and engaging in illicit sexual conduct in foreign places (18 U.S.C. Sec 2423 (c). (See, Justice for Haiti prevailed: Perlitz going away for a long time.)

Human rights lawyer, Ezili Dantò, President of the Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network, talks to the media about Catholic philanthropist, Haitian charitable works icon, the Venerable Pierre Toussaint, whom Douglas Perlitz named his school after, while outside the Richard C. Lee United States Courthouse in downtown New Haven, Conn. during a recess in the sentencing hearing for Perlitz on December 21, 2010. Photo: Christian Abraham / Connecticut Post
Last month, US charity worker, Matthew Andrew Carter, was sentenced to 165 years in prison for sexually abusing Haiti orphans for 16 years. “Altogether, U.S. authorities identified 52 victims they said were sexually abused by Carter over the years at the group home.” (See, US occupation: Uselessness of USAID, UN, NGOs in Haiti.)

There are thousands more foreigners in Haiti still, behind their high walls, and apartheid hotels, daily raping, molesting, trafficking, sodomizing distraught Haiti children and sexually preying on Haiti women and powerless men in exchange for money, power, jobs, US visas or approval, as we’ve detailed over the years.

Recently there was an article about a British aid worker in Haiti and his "gay Haitian partner" reportedly assaulted by some locals at their engagement party in Haiti.

Haiti has far bigger problems than these isolated incidents, but the Western press and wealthy gays insist on their various Droit du seigneur rights and privileges in Haiti, notwithstanding that the NGO charitable industry’s very presence in Haiti is a denial of Haiti sovereignty and basic human rights.
These foreigners are working in Haiti from monies collected on Haiti misery and where the basic rights of the locals have been abrogated with their complicity. (Haiti: US AID Go Home! and, Rich countries use trade deals to seize food from the world's hungriest people.)

In fact, these are the same adults who mostly turn a blind eye to the occupation of Haiti, the NGO false benevolence, the imperialism, neocolonialism, unfair trade and rampant abuse of Haiti children, men and women by powerful homosexual and heterosexual foreigners as a matter of course.

There is, of course, the question of POWER and the tastes white supremacy forces upon others that may not be their natural predispositions. We know this at the Haitian Lawyes Leadership Network (HLLN), for instance, from working with sexually abused Haiti minors,  victims of foreign pedophiles, who became victimizers themselves, sexually sodomizing other children because that's what they learned as a child from the US/Euro charityworkers.

Many of these abused orphans grow up to prostitute themselves to foreigners whose sexual taste and proclivities they were taught, like some of the victim boys learning from US charity worker Douglas Perlitz or certain foreign priests and pastors how to have sex with a man. Court papersdetailed how Douglas Perlitz' minor victims were forced to watch US porn films to learn his requirements. These children did not have a choice. Their innocence was taken and now many, as adults, are in need of psychological help to understand sexuality, their lost innocence, their self-hatred, outcast feelings, mental disorders, and certain other imported anti-social behaviors forced on them every night when they were young and helpless.

What's to say an adult gay partnership with a perceived rich white man at the Red Cross, with a UN soldier, a powerful Western politician stationed in Haiti is a “natural choice” where there are no jobs, visas, or positions except if one is a "nice Negro" in the eyes of the sexually liberal foreign worker.

Stop NGO pillage of Haiti – London Protest, May 1, 2012. Women of Colour and Global Women’s Strike campaigners gathered outside the British Red Cross in the capital in solidarity with the people of Haiti. See, Haiti's earthquake generated a $9bn response – where did the money go?
When hunger, death and joblessness are the alternative if one doesn't cooperate is consent effective? This is not to condone attacks on adult LGBT folks overseas. It is to point out that white supremacy in Haiti ushers in issues of power, racism and occupation that must end before certain Western accepted norms, and sexual tourism even between consenting adults may be said to be freely and consensually adopted. Even then, it is offensive for the US, as a policy, to force legalized prostitution and special homosexual rights in Haiti, in Africa, in the Caribbean, despite overwhelming opposition. (See the film showing this at Video documentary- Cultural Imperialism: The Sexual Rights Agenda.)

Neither Black culture nor Black people are random accessories. To  alternatively dismiss, demean or appropriate.
After the earthquake with hundreds of thousands more charitable industry folks landing in Haiti and the US occupation blatantly being "open for business," sexual rape, like the US abuse of power in occupying Haiti is simply ignored by journalist as a norm that Black Haiti should endure from the white settlers.

The foreign abuse is happening in the very luxurious hotels built on the corpse of 310,000 quake victims whose deaths were used to collect millions to pay for building said foreign enclaves in occupied Haiti. (See- Haiti “Reconstruction”: Luxury Hotels, Sweat Shops and Deregulation for the Foreign Corporate Elite by Julie Lévesque).

Ezili's HLLN used to try and record as many of the US/Euro/UN charity worker sexual abuse of Haiti children and powerless women as we could.

For years, HLLN was the only voice doing this and then the US/Euro/UN molesting, raping and pedophilia and sex push in Haiti became so Sodom-Gomorrah blatant and pervasive, it overwhelmed our ability to keep up.

Here are the links still on-line on their abominations:
UN Peacekeepers and Humanitarian Aid Workers raping, molesting and abusing Haitian children.

I am the History of Rape:
HLLN Letter to UN asking for investigative reports on UN soldier's rapes in Haiti 

Cultural imperialism, forced assimilation and the white settler's genocidal sex push in Haiti and Africa - A Video documentary.

In the age of Obama, US Ambassador Pamela White and  the Martelly/Lamothe government, "Haiti open for business" literally means the small, innocent bodies of Haiti's children and defenseless Black women are the newly added tourist enclaves for the Northern vampires to gorge their every perversion upon.

What Haiti today is forced to endure, nearly 10-years after the US occupation began behind UN mercenary guns and the Paul Farmer-led NGO invasion, is beyond what a sane human mind and soul will absorb.

Haiti is one of the safest destinations in the Americas. In 2012, according to the UNODC, Haiti’s violence rate of 6.9 out of every hundred thousand Haitians is among the lowest rates in the Americas, and the same as Long Beach, California.

There is less violence in Haiti than in Washington D.C., Brazil, Mexico, Columbia, Bahamas, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Trinidad and Tobago, Honduras. Than in most of the countries in the Western Hemisphere. (See UN Global Study on Homicide at pg 93 and Haiti: The soul of Africa, not for sale.)

What’s a Chapter 7, peace enforcement UN mission doing in Haiti for nearly 10-years when there is no peace agreement to enforce? There’s much greater violence elsewhere in the hemisphere, including in some US cities and in Brazil, the country that heads the UN mission to Haiti. 

The Clintons/Obama administration and the Farmer-led NGO divvied up $9 billion in the name of Haiti relief and reconstruction, most of which went back to their own coffers for their own plantation vision of Haiti.(See-US to Rewrite Constitution to Better Serve the One Percent ; Vision of Plantation Haiti - A White Pearl, Again! ; The Plantation Called Haiti: Feudal Pillage Masking as Humanitarian Aid  and, Poverty Pimps Masturbating on Black Pain.)

In Haiti, the most educated and powerful on planet earth benefit from and help hide the US genocidal occupation of Haiti. The US de-legitimized every Haiti elections since it began the occupation, put in its own puppet government (Cholera Democracy) and controls Haiti.

The US occupation of Haiti is to blame for the 15,000 to 20,000 Haitians dead from cholera since their UN proxy brought the deadly disease to Haiti.

The US built its now fourth largest embassy in the world in tiny Haiti, not to bring Haiti democracy or development as evidenced by the last 10-years of terrorizing Haiti, and Obama simply continued the Bush/Clinton warmongering, to cart out Haiti riches, take its lands, profit from imposed Haiti chaos, misery and deaths.

It's called disaster capitalism, unfettered capitalism, forced assimilation, white supremacy and it’s been a great business boon for the Western elites since the days of their outright slavery in Haiti.

Ezili Dantò of HLLN research work, visiting UN-cholera victims at the epicenter of the outbreak in Mirebalais Haiti. Photo credit:  Jean Ristil Jean Baptiste

Most foreign aid to Haiti or Africa is about Western profit, about money laundering to return the money back into the hands of the economic elites. Thus, it's more profitable for Dr. Paul Farmer/Bill Gates Foudation to partner to buy and sell Western drugs, vaccines, vitamin supplements than to promote and teach abstinence and monogamy, which is the more culturally natural African way of life for the majority. More profitable to make a market in Haiti and Africa for Harvard/WHO pharmaceuticals or to use poor Black women as lab rats to test dangerous Western contraceptives  - norplant, quinacrine, depo provera and to even promote condom sales rather than to teach the hard facts about at-risk sexual behaviors. (See, Is there an international plan to depopulate and exterminate a large portion of Haiti's population? and Haiti a time bomb which must be defused immediately.)
(Uganda is) a country where we have seen our loved ones die of HIV/AIDS, seen the suffering, the toll that such illness bears not just on the affected individual but the family, the society, our whole economy is suffering. It is our deepest belief that we owe it to our fellow Ugandans to put the right policies in place policies and homesexuality erodes the very fabric of our society in the sense that it puts our people at risk”– Rossette Katungye , Ambassador/Uganda Deputy Permanent, Geneva /quoted from the video documentary: Cultural Imperialism: The Sexual Rights Agenda 
Gay rights, just like the Haiti human rights the U.S. is supposed to have been concerned about when they overthrew Haiti's democratically elected government, is the cover behind which HIV/AIDS drugs are sold and ethnic cleansing, depopulation are brought to application. With the added benefit that the wealthy white gays, bisexuals, lesbians and transgenders (LGBT) charity workers or UN/USAID/Embassy executives get to feast and gorge on sexual tourism, for engaging in illicit sexual conduct, or certain tabou-at-home sexuality proclivities, in mostly transient, power-based, non-committed relationship, while stationed in at-risk countries.


Ezili Dantò: Great Mother Roots in Haiti and Africa. This interview begins 15 minutes into the music. Drag icon forward to get to the interview immediately. It's a May 2010 Ezili Dantò interview for black wombniverse radio, recorded four months after the earthquake. Touches on Haiti epistemology and the warrior women of the Haiti revolution that abolished slavery.

The illnesses they leave behind, like HIV/AIDS, other STDs or diseases like UN-cholera in Haiti then refuels the need for more Western drugs and moreWestern saviors. Keeping the poverty pimps perpetually employed and masturbating on black pain, crisis and deaths. (See, UN Capitalizing on Cholera: playing arsonist and fireman.) 

For instance, how useful is it to make a market in Haiti for vitamins and nutritional supplements if the recipients have to drink it down with cholera water or on hungry, empty stomachs caused by US big agri-business famine brought to Haiti.

For instance, the illnesses US aid workers left behind include cervical cancers, ovarian cancers, endless bleedings Haiti women are suffering from, as a result of Norplant implants and other controversial contraceptive drugs that USAID used decades ago. This refuels the need for more Western presence, more pharmaceuticals as aid.  More opportunity to impose Western sanctions and economic warfare to force nations in Africa, Afghanistan, Iraq or in Haiti to do what Westerners think is right, including legalizing prostitution and promoting sex. It's raw imperialism. White supremacy's bloodsucking vampire activity.

Rich Western heterosexuals, homosexuals, bi-sexuals, lesbians, transgenders who want to talk to the Haiti masses about promoting their sexual preferences in Haiti ought to first address Haitian sovereignty, right to self-defense, self-reliance, self-determination, a domestic economy. Ought to first address the right to LIFE.

If there's no life, how is sexual behavior of any importance to the dead Haitian?

The white-savior industry and UN workers ought to first be about bringing into application universal human rights in Haiti, not claim and act as if they are above the laws. Ought to be about ending white supremacy, cultural imperialism, the profit-over-people insatiable greed of the wealthy elites. Ending NGO/USAID/US embassy false benevolence - its so-called aid, its unfair trade, its regime change embassies, WB/IMF/IFIs ecocide, genocide and their various operatives' warmongering in the global South. Go home. Fix that terror.


End the uninterrupted Euro-US pillage and plunder of Haiti Riches - over $20 billion in gold reserves, its iridium, silver, copper, coal and the Haiti oil cache Haiti geologists say is "an olympic pool to Venezuela's glass of water." (See- The Pain Rush in Haiti: Clorox Hunger lives in the same space that billions of dollars in "aid" are supposed to have been poured and In the Age of Obama: Truth You Won't Hear at the 50th Anniversary March on Washington.)



 Once the all-consuming Western terror is
gone, once the NGOs are gone, the US occupation has ended and the US embassy is closed, Haiti would find its own way around exploiting its vast oil and mineral riches to raise its own peoples' domestic living standards - including tackling police issues of protecting all humans from Christian fanatical violence, regardless of their sexual orientation, in an equitable, civil and responsible manner.

Only Haiti has the ability to define its priorities, not foreigners.  The over $2.5 billion dollars in yearly diaspora remittances are the ONLY effective and sustainable aid that works in Haiti.

Barack Obama who mostly betrayed core justice and peace values during two terms, the Clintons, the Bushes, the Dr. Paul Farmer-led NGOs, the UN Security Council, their employees, agents and sycophants have no moral standing to preach about oppression and human rights to the distraught and traumatized Haiti masses. None. We are the history and evidence of their systematic, every day tyranny and rape.

Ezili Dantò of HLLN
Disengagement is not an option
Grenadye alaso

Ezili Dantò is a human rights lawyer, performing artist, writer and award wining playwright. She was born in Haiti. Holds a BA from Boston College, a JD from the University of Connecticut School of law. She is a cultural and political activist and the founder and president of Ezili’s Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network (HLLN). She runs the Haitian Perspectives on-line journal, the Ezili Dantò Network and is the creator of Zili Dlo: Clean Water, Skills Transfer and Solar Power for everyone in Haiti. More info at - ezilidanto.com/zili


Cultural Imperialism: The Sexual Rights Agenda
Video documentary on

Forwarded by Ezili's Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network

Video report on Haiti Riches,
Zili Dlo solar project
and the works of Ezili Dantò/HLLN

Make a donation to support Ezili's Work
Clean water, sanitation is the solution to cholera, support Ezili's Clean Water, Skills Transfer and Solar Power for everyone in Haiti

“If you have come here to help me, you are wasting your time. But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.” --Lily Watson/Aboriginal activists group, Queensland, 1970s


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