Haiti is back on the plantation: UN claims to be above the law, denies responsibility for cholera deaths in Haiti
Go HERE for the entire post. Some excerpts:
"Human rights attorney Ezili Dantò of Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network (HLLN) discusses on Black Agenda Report with Glen Ford the US occupational forces claiming absolute immunity for bringing cholera deaths and water poisoning to Haiti, February 22, 2013, "
"HLLN has never subscribed to the callous and profiting-on-misery notion of letting the UN independently investigate itself while Haiti’s people die unmercifully.
Ezili’s Clean Water for Everyone in Haiti Project (Donate to support Zili Dlo– Clean water and renewable power for Haiti.)
"On February 21, 2013, the United Nations officially rejected legal responsibility for damage claims to Haiti cholera victims...As the UN has rejected or been non-responsive to virtually every human right violation claims made by Haitians since the US occupation began in 2004, we at HLLN had no past UN behavior that provided a logical basis to expect a different answer from the UN other than the one it announced yesterday..."
Go HERE for interviews and excerpt 1 and 2 from the un-edited HLLN complaint against the USoccupational forces for bringing in the UNcholera to Haiti.